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5 best way to flirt with a guy

5 best way to flirt with a guy:

I like him but am nervous. Will he think am cool? God! How do I flirt? here are 30 Best Ways To Flirt. Tap to know more.

5 best way to flirt with a guy

5 best way to flirt with a guy. How do I talk to guys? I like him but am nervous. Will he think am cool? God! How do I flirt? Don’t worry girl we are here to tell you how to flirt with a guy. We all know that guy everyone crushes hard but what will make you stand off the crowd is your flirting skills.

1. Use a Nickname

Give him a cute nickname that has an inside joke only you both can laugh to. Like suppose he told you he loves “ Messi ” the football player, you can call him “ Jr. Messi ” just to get his attention stuck on you.

2. Throw a Question

Asking questions will make it obvious to him you are interested in him. This will make him more open while talking to you creating a bond. He will start sharing his life updates with you making you closer to him without even knowing it. Like ‘How was the movie you were talking so much about?’

3. Mention Something That Happened

Suppose you guys talked about songs. Text him about the latest album that is released by the singer or discuss the song you both like. This would show him that you both share the same interests.

4. Say Something Funny

Guys love a playful girl who has humor, and cracks cute jokes to see if he likes them, and if he responds he would like to continue the conversation.

5. Create Some Suspense

Creating suspense keeps him interested. Telling him things like ‘Oh, I forgot had to tell you something, neverminded will tell you tomorrow when we meet’ will make him constantly think about you and what would you want to say. It will make him think about the possible things you could say.

About electrohelpcare

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